Occupational Stress Inventory – Revised Sample Report

The revised edition of the Occupational Stress Inventory (OSI-R™) is divided into three sections, the Occupational Role Questionnaire (ORQ), the Personal Strain Questionnaire (PSQ), and the Personal Resources Questionnaire (PRQ). These questionnaires provide a concise measure of three important dimensions of occupational adjustment:

  1. occupational stress
  2. psychological strain
  3. coping resources

For each of these dimensions, scales measure specific attributes of the environment or individual that represent important characteristics of occupational adjustment.

This report contains a profile of an individual’s scores on the scales that make up the OSI-R™. Subsequent pages of the report contain descriptions and possible high score interpretations for each of the OSI-R™ scales.

OSI-R Report Contents

  • Page 2 – OSI-R Profile
  • Page 3 – OSI-R Scale Descriptions

Measure Occupational Stress in Your Organization with the OSI-R Assessment

To gain access to a customized version of this report and more, order the OSI-R assessment online today or contact us to find out more about our leadership development assessments.