Personality Tests

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Personality influences the motivation, interests, and success of people in all areas of their lives. Personality tests can be used to help hire the right individuals, develop your employees, provide coaching to others, and complement counseling services.

Beginning with our flagship personality tests and the leadership of our founder, Dr. Douglas Jackson, we pride ourselves on our ability to create high quality personality assessments. Our assessments are valid, science-based, and evidence-supported.

Personality Tests
emotional intelligence assessment-revised

Multidimensional Emotional Intelligence Assessment – Revised

The Multidimensional Emotional Intelligence Assessment – Revised (MEIA-R) is a personality test that’s designed to measure individual Emotional intelligence (EI). It consists of 84 items that assess 11 distinct facets of EI. It can be used to understand emotions, develop self-awareness, build critical people skills, assist with career counseling, and much more.

Personality Tests

Six Factor Personality Questionnaire

The Six Factor Personality Questionnaire (SFPQ) is a 20-minute, cost-effective personality assessment that measures 6 broad dimensions and 18 facets of personality. It consists of 108 items that can be used in a variety of contexts such as selecting employees, assisting with counseling and career guidance, helping individuals understand working relationships, and much more.

Personality Tests

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Personality Tests

Personality Research Form

The Personality Research Form (PRF) is one of the most highly cited personality assessments and can be used to study consumer behavior, decision-making, emotional development, employee attitudes, job performance, leadership style, risk-taking behavior, and much more.

Personality Tests

Jackson Personality Inventory – Revised

The Jackson Personality Inventory-Revised (JPI-R) is designed to assess personality traits that predict an individual’s behavior in a variety of settings and environments, including work, education, teams, and interpersonal situations. The JPI-R contains 300 true/false items and can be used in many contexts including research, counseling, and for personal development.

Personality Tests

NEO Five-Factor Inventory – 3TM

The NEO Five-Factor Inventory-3 is a 60-item personality test that provides a quick, reliable, and accurate measure of the five domains of personality. The assessment takes just 15 minutes to complete and is particularly useful when time is limited and when global information on personality is needed.

Personality Tests

NEO Personality Inventory – 3™

The NEO-PI-3 is a comprehensive measure of the five major domains of personality (Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness to Experience, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness) and the six facets that define each domain. It can be administered in a variety of contexts including counseling and clinical settings, psychological research, business, and much more.

Personality Tests

Five-Factor Nonverbal Personality Questionnaire

The Five-Factor Nonverbal Personality Questionnaire (FF-NPQ) is a 60-item nonverbal measure of normal adult personality in counseling, research, and business settings. This personality assessment is ideal for cross-cultural comparisons and for people who have difficulties or language barriers.

Personality Tests

Nonverbal Personality Questionnaire

The Nonverbal Personality Questionnaire (NPQ) is a 20-minute, 136-item nonverbal personality questionnaire that is most suitable for the assessment of normal adult personality in counseling and research settings. All items in the assessment are represented by illustrations that depict personality-relevant behaviours.

Ready to Administer Our Science-Based Personality Tests?

SIGMA’s personality assessments give you science-based insights on personality. Skills, dispositions, emotional intelligence (EI), etc. – we cover it all. Our assessments will help you:

  • Identify strengths
  • Increase self-awareness
  • Identify opportunities for growth
  • Guide development
  • Educate yourself and others
  • Break large concepts (like “personality”) down into smaller components
  • Provide a foundation for personal and professional development

Personality is a complex and dynamic concept. SIGMA’s assessments can help you define and quantify practical elements of personality so that you can begin to implement powerful development programs. Each of SIGMA’s assessments has been scientifically developed and industry tested. That means you can trust your results and be confident that you are getting the most out of your personality assessment.

Contact us to learn which of our personality assessments can help you achieve your goals.